How to Use This Site

This site is designed for teachers to deliver the Ignite programme with minimal preparation. Each lesson is contained within a single webpage, with each activity explained and given a recommended duration.
Those with interactive whiteboards and/or a sufficient number of tablets can deliver each lesson simply by going through the webpage with students. Alternatively you can provide instructions by following the lesson on a laptop and writing key information on the board.
Finding lessons
To find lessons, click on the menu symbol at the top of any page.
The programme has been adapted for each secondary Key Stage.
It consists of four different modules:
For each lesson you can choose whether to use a 20, 30, 45, or 60 minute version.
Using lessons


Clicking on the filing cabinet icon will bring up a list of resources needed in the classroom. It will also notify you if an interactive whiteboard is required for the lesson.
Click on the arrow, or scroll down, to reach the next activity.

Beneath each activity there's a recommended duration. Clicking on the time will begin a countdown that students can see while doing the activity.

Words that appear in bubbles can be moved about the page.
Giving feedback

We welcome and rely on feedback to ensure the programme and individual lessons are effective and successful. The footer of each page has a link to a feedback form - please do share your thoughts!